A new version of VAddy, v2.0, was released in July 2018 with the ability to scan web applications that span multiple domains. Unlike VAddy v1.0, which did not allow any domain name to be registered more than once, v2.0 allows the same domain to be used by multiple projects.
Domains that have already been registered will continue to behave like they did with v1.0, but any domain you register from now on will adopt the new v2.0 behavior (except with VAddy PrivateNet).
Differences in how crawl data is created
VAddy v2.0 uses different port number than v1.0 for the proxy server. Keep this in mind when creating crawl data with v2.0.
Finally, because v2.0 uses cookies issued by the VAddy proxy server when creating crawl data, if you are using curl or some other command-line program to create crawl data you should specify the appropriate option to enable cookie support. (This does not affect crawl data created through a web browser.)
Differences related to automation tools
Jenkins and the go-vaddy command-line tool use project IDs with VAddy v2.0; you can find these project IDs on VAddy’s admin console by selecting Server from the left sidebar. (These are not shown for v1.0 data.)
When configuring the Jenkins VAddy plugin, enter a project ID instead of a domain name in the Host field. For more information on setting up the go-vaddy command, see the project’s README.