By default, you can access VAddy's proxy server from any IP address. As a result, if a third party were to discover the verification filename that was issued for a registered host, there is a risk that the party could then update the URLs recorded in the crawl data.
By restricting the IP addresses that can record crawl data through VAddy's proxy server on a per-host basis, even if someone were to discover your verification filename no harm would come of it.
Only HTTP requests to registered host names are recorded with the crawl data.
Use the following settings to only allow particular IP addresses to access VAddy's proxy server.
On the Proxy Crawling screen, click Edit Whitelisted IP Addresses.
Default list of whitelisted IP addresses
By default, connections are allowed from all IP addresses. To only whitelist particular IP addresses for a host, click the Edit/Delete button to the right of that host's name.
Editing whitelisted IP addresses
The default value is "" (allow connections from all IP addresses); change it to another IP address and then click the Edit button.